Isabelle loves the legends and history of the city, Vienna, where her coffee cafe has been since before she inherited it from her Aunt Maria. Her family legacy is tied to the history found with coffee history of Vienna. Aunt Maria is murdered and there is no clue to who did it or why. Isabelle starts having terrible nightmares of a funeral, death, and a sick frail man. Even of her Aunt and others in a world far from Vienna. Isabelle is also worried over her distancing relationship with her husband. Their lives become more intertwined then Isabelle could have ever imagined, learning of secrets she never knew.
Who would have thought coffee coming to Vienna could be so exciting!? I adored this tale of a legend and legacy blended with love, lies, and death. It's like a fairy tale. There's a secret land where when the Wachter reach an age they come to our world and teach us about coffee. All sorts of mixes of coffees.
This story is set in a way we get several stories that interlace. The author, Katharina, starts off introducing the characters to us and their current life's. Then in chapter two, things get complicated. The story of Isabelle and her personal life, Maria's death, Karin's (Isabelle's best friend and manager at her coffee cafe) personal life, Dominik's life, and legends of a kingdom not known to normal man. It might sound as it's complicated, but it's far from it! Katharina has weaved a tale of legend and legacy into one and so thrilling to watch all open together, blending as smoothly as cream and coffee. Isabelle's dreams made me curious and they grow with her legends she tells her sons. The tale is told in our world, but we do end up in the secret world as well.
I love the chapter titles. Each is the name of a specialty coffee. We are given the origin of each specialty coffee with it's recipe as well. Mmm, makes me want to try them all as they sound divine.
The characters unfolded as the story unfolds with them. The plot and characters coming around together, in sync with each other. The plot grows more as we get to know Isabelle and her past, along with the legends of coffee. All is connected, and explained with grace.
I listened to this story through Podiobooks and the voice talents showcased in this story are magnificent. There is a voice for each character and the acting talent in each come across beautifully. Katharina tells the story, and is the voice for Isabelle, and her accent makes listening to this tale all the more authentic to the feel of the legends.
I love the fairy tale feel of coffee here in the German legend. The secret world of Beschutzer - guardians and protectors - and Wachter - keepers and custodians - of coffee making. The magic of coffee. I just adore this story!
There are spin-offs and plans for more books in this world. I do look forward to them!
Coffee lovers. Legend lovers. Mystery lovers. I would love to bring this story to your attention. One with a touch of magic to intrigue and strengthen the desire for coffee as well.