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City of Glass - Cassandra Clare So, where do I start on this summary? Well, if you are getting to this book, you've probably already read the first two books and so hooked you don't care what I'm going to say. But I'm going to give it a quick go for you anyway. And if you haven't read the first two books, there WILL BE SPOILERS FOR FIRST TWO BOOKS here.

With the end of City of Ashes, we now have a clue from an old friend of Clary's mothers of what we need to do to wake Clary's mom from her self induced coma. Clary is still struggling with Jace being her brother, and wanting more from the relationship and not acting on it. Now we find the Lightwoods, Jace, and Clary are traveling to the home country of the Shadowhunters and the capital city. But as excited as Clary it to go and see the home city, Jace is just as determined to not have Clary go. And Clary nor the others know why. Jace is being very secretive about it again. Will Clary get there? Of course she will, but what will happen when she arrives? And how will she get there?

Well, I have to say I had to rush out to get this book as I couldn't wait to read it. I HAD to know what would happen, mostly with Clary and Jace. And the ride Cassandra takes you on with each book is just amazing. This is another wonderfully written book in which I didn't get much sleep until I was done with it. I just couldn't put it down. And not just because I wanted answers. We start right where City of Ashes leaves off and jump head first into the action. These characters never get a rest from the wicked in this book and I loved it!

We meet new characters and all the old. And we lose a character or two ;) as we go through this one too. I loved the way the characters stay true to who they are from the beginning, yet some have grown so greatly from the beginning. And until the end of this book, I really didn't realize how much these characters had grown.

I am so hooked on this series, I will follow it until Cassandra doesn't write of it anymore. She has really made a true believer and a great fan of her work here.

Thank you Cassandra!