51 Following


Blood Soup

Blood Soup - Kelly A. Harmon Salvagia give the feel of magic to the story with her fortune telling bones mixed with blood. When overly pregnant Queen Piacenza asks, again, to cast the bones to answer her question - What will this child need to rule wisely and justly? The bones cast the same answer, over and over again. Piacenza is convinced by the answer she will have a girl child, but King Theodicar wants a boy. A boy is always the one to rule the kingdom, not girls. A boy is born - Amalric, but at a cost...

Blood Soup was a quick read for me with only 79 pages. The story touches on different point of views in Amalric's and Theodicar's lifes, as Amalric grows up and takes the thrown. In these short snippets you see what kind of person Amalric is and did with the crown. And you see how Theodicar rethinks his decisions. Is there any way for King Theodicar to correct his wrong that set his kingdom down the path its on?

I enjoyed this quick read. There was a dark feel to the magic of Blood Soup to me... the blood. I had a moment of getting use to the transition of Amalric suddenly being older, as I didn't know what to expect while reading when I started the book. This is a great start for Kelly. I am looking forward to reading novels by her in the future.